We drove straight out of Santa Fe headed for Amarillo, TX. The landscape was ever changing from areas stretched flat and grassy as far as the eye could see to burnt sienna bluffs and cliffs and huge mesas. Amarillo sits in the panhandle of Texas and is home to Cadillac Ranch. Nearby is Robert Smithson's last work, too. But Cadillac Ranch was on our route and we stopped. I immediately gained a whole new appreciate for Texans at this stop. They know where their priorities should lie.
The walk to the Ranch was across a pasture and up a dried, cracked mud road. Not too far in and one could smell the aerosol in the air.
The place was alive with artists.
I set out to choose my canvas.
Below is a detail of my work. The entire canvas includes comments about GW Bush that would change the PG rating of my blog. Snicker, snicker.
Amarillo has a big cattle stockyard and auction house. What could we do but eat at the biggest steak house in town. They have a challenge meal: eat a 72oz steak and it is free. Anyone care to lay odds?
Tomorrow we head out to Oklahoma City.