Banyan Tree at Marie Selby Gardens |
The Marie Selby Botanical Gardens are practically in downtown Sarasota. It's surprising to find 7 acres of lush landscaping adjacent to busy roads and skyscrapers. But once one is inside the compound, there is little evidence of the nearby city. Two sides of the property are bordered by water, Sarasota Bay and Hudson Bayou. The Selby's, William and Marie, bought the property in the early 1900's. William and his father formed the Selby Oil and Gas company which later merged with Texas Oil to become Texaco. Hmm, yes, a bit of money there. Marie was the gardener and upon her death, will the estate to the city of Sarasota. The gardens have an emphasis on epiphytes with hundreds of bromeliads. There is a conservatory, too, with a chocolate tree. I've asked to have one for Valentine's Day. :-)
Koi Pond at Selby Gardens
After leaving the Gardens, we explored further down the keys onto Lido. It was blanketed with high rise condos and hotels. The drive home was arduous with traffic moving at about .5 miles per hour. Note: never leave the island on a Sunday. We went to Fresh Market and bought supplies for a blueberry pie. Love that cook of mine.
The sunset was grand tonight. We were sitting on the front deck around dusk watching the locals stroll past for the beach and thought they must know something about sunsets. So we walked down and caught the end. No one applauded except me. I guess that practice varies with each community.
See pictures from the day at flickr.
Sunset on Anna Maria Beach