Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Making Acquaintances


Tijuana River along the McCoy Trail, Tijuana Estuary

Birders are the friendliest people.  They love to share their knowledge and some will give you advise on where to go birding.  We met one such woman today at the McCoy trail in the Estuary.  You know a birder by the cannon size camera lens they carry and the telescope binoculars hanging from their necks.  So when we sat down at the end of the trail and spotted a flock of birds, I didn't hesitate to ask this nearby woman with all the birding accoutrements what they were.  Therein began a 15 minute discussion of what, where, when and how to find more birds.  She even told me the names of the ospreys that were nesting at the edge of the estuary, Lucy and Desi, and their offspring, Little Ricky, Ethel, Fred, etc.  But the best information she gave was that our beloved Street Tacos were still around.  They had moved across the street to incorporate with Mike Hess Brewing Co.

The Estuary walk was short today because we wanted to also walk to the Imperial Beach Pier and NOW to Mike Hess Brewing.  Even though we had eaten lunch, we forced  down a fish taco.  And, yes, it was the same succulent taco of old.  We will definitely come back for more.  There is great outdoor seating with fire pits.  

Mike Hess Brewing

After lunch #2 we walked down the pier.  It is the southernmost pier in the entire state of California. There is a seafood restaurant at the end and people fishing for bait along the walkway.  Sardines seemed to be the catch. More photos at Flickr

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