Adeus João
Wayne in Ribeira Quente |
All 19 of us who are here to spread John’s ashes and celebrate him drove to the town in which he was born and spent his first 14 years. It was a small village sitting on the Atlantic much unchanged from when the Limas lived here. John’s sister Ligia told stories of their time here before immigrating to the USA. Brother Louis pointed out their home. The parents immigrated with all six children in order to escape the Facist Salazar. After the ashes were spread, we all went to a bar which was located where John’s father would distill booze. There we toasted John and heard reminisces from the family. Louis drove us back and stopped at Furnas. Furnas sits in a dormant volcanic crater. Although the Furnas volcano last erupted in 1630, you can feel, see and smell the geothermal activity all around you in the form of steaming fumaroles, thermal pools and natural mineral springs. The locals utilize the heat of the ground to cook the famous Cozido stew, and also use the mineral waters in several recipes for cheese, pastries, breads, meats and more. Upon our return to Ponta Delgado we had lunch with Kathy and the Solots at The House of Balcahau where I had a delicious Tower of Bacaulau. Pictures of our day
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