Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Earth, Wind and Fire (also water)

Our lecturer today was one Dr. John Walsby, a spry little leprechaun who could not stop talking or leaping around for the entire day.  He is quite the Renaissance man: a marine biologist, natural historian, writer, illustrator and educator.  Gesticulating, joking, slinging chalk around, he lectured us on the geology of Auckland and the local coastlines.  After morning tea (yes, we have daily morning tea) we headed out with John for a first hand look at the geology he had lectured on.  It was fascinating to see the physical evidence of the volcanic and earthquake activity.  From tree fossils encased in lava on the coast to fossilized sea life we got a grand understanding of New Zealand’s formation.  He pointed out varied plant life, we stopped at caldera Lake Pupuka where black swan competed with wind surfers.  The wind surfers won my vote when they stripped out of their wet suits next to our bus.  We climbed North Head (another volcano) to see fortifications centered around massive guns installed to protect Auckland Harbor during WWII when American ships stationed there.

Dinner was on our own tonight.  Wayne and I went to the cinema to see Black Panther.  People in our group couldn’t stop raving about it.  One woman had seen it twice.  Hey, we thought, his is not to be missed.  We bought tickets at the Gold Class theater where one can be served dinner and drinks and lounge in a recliner.  The recliners were fabulous.  There is seating for 30 people with not a bad seat in the theater.  The servers are very quiet as they check on your needs.  I tell you all this because that was the best part of the movie.  Wayne and I think there is something wrong with our expectations because we found the movie boring.  We’re afraid to tell anyone else in the group.  We’re still wondering, what are we missing. Pictures at flickr

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