Thursday, March 19, 2020

Leaving On A Jet Plane

Pasquino, the 'talking' statue
We wanted one last visit with Pasquino, the talking statue, where we earlier posted our anonymous complaint about the yellow peril, Trump.  All but one posting was gone.  Basically that posting warned of a government that imposed drastic measures on a population.  I'm assuming it was referring to the Italian lock down of all businesses save markets and pharmacies and the stay at home edict.  The streets remain empty.  I'm surprised at the Italian compliance.  Perhaps personal experience with the virus.  Or even memories of struggling through WWII.  Is that too much of a stretch?  Apparently, US citizens are too complacent.  Florida beaches are packed with students on spring break.  

The State Departments warnings have sparked us to book a flight home rather than waiting to see if we can leave Rome on April 4 and reschedule our Lisbon flight home to Boston.  We first booked today for a Monday March 23 departure.  Then a new warning came from the State Department that asked Americans to leave Europe ASAP or risk an indefinite stay.  We rebooked for Saturday, March 21.  Now, I regularly check the airlines to make sure it is not cancelled. The old reliable institutions are no longer dependable. Things may yet worsen in the US, but I will be happy to be back in my studio and begin to prepare for spring gardening.
A good walk. 

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